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A Brief History of Afghanistan de Shaista Wahab
Autor: Shaista WahabCategoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Humanidades
Tapa blanda: 368 páginas
Editor: Facts On File; Edición: 00002 (30 de noviembre de 2010)
Colección: Brief History
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 816082197
ISBN-13: 978-0816082193
Descripción - Críticas ...very thorough...This work is a good choice for those wanting to familiarize themselves with the roots of the current conflict, and a handy reference for basic information on Afghanistan. Recommended." Choice "Recommended..." Library Journal Afghanistan has long been considered a remote and uninviting country to all but its closest neighbors. This lightly populated agricultural and pastoral nation has guarded its independence in the age of European imperialism thanks in large part to its limited perceived value. Political isolation reinforced by a conservative tribal culture kept most of the cultural and economic changes of the modern world at bay. Slowly, however, modern ways and values began to penetrate into the capital city of Kabul. A Brief History of Afghanistan examines this country's isolation and how it found itself involved in 30 years of war and anarchy. This resource provides extensive background information so readers can understand the issues and make informed judgements of their own. Offering a clear, concise account of this country's historical and cultural heritage, from 3000 BCE to the present, this insightful book explores the culture and politics of the Pashtun tribes whose homeland extends across much of Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, as well as the Taliban insurgency and the relationship between local leaders and the central government in Kabul. Coverage includes: From the rise of Islam to the Afghan state The birth of modern Afghanistan Twentieth-century monarchy Two revolutions Soviet Afghanistan Afghanistan in rebellion Mujahideen rule The Taliban era Afghanistan under Karzai The Taliban resurgence.
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