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Edexcel GCSE Modern World History Revision Guide 2nd edition de Ben Walsh,Steve Waugh
Autor: Ben Walsh,Steve WaughCategoria: Libros,Juvenil,Educación y consulta
Tapa blanda: 128 páginas
Editor: Hodder Education; Edición: 2 (31 de octubre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1471831728
ISBN-13: 978-1471831720
Descripción - Achieve your best with this motivating revision guide packed with tips and opportunities to practise for the exam.This guide meets the core requirements of the latest Edexcel specification. Written by expert author Ben Walsh, it not only includes helpful analysis, primary/secondary sources and review materials but also fosters active and effective revision to help you reach your highest potential.- Review all the key content of the Edexcel course with just the right amount of detail.- Keep on track with exam requirements with exam tips throughout.- Complete tasks which enhance your understanding and revision methods.CONTENTS:Unit 1: Peace and War: International Relations, 1900-91Chapter 1: Why did war break out in 1914? International rivalry, 1900-14Chapter 2: The peace settlement: 1918-29Chapter 3: Why did war break out in 1939? International relations, 1929-39Chapter 4: How did the Cold War develop? 1943-56Chapter 5: Three Cold War crises: Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia c. 1957-69Chapter 6: Why did the Cold War end? The invasion of Afghanistan to the collapse of the Soviet Union, 1979-91Unit 2: Modern World Depth StudiesChapter 7: Germany, 1918-39Chapter 8: Russia, 1917-39Chapter 9: The USA, 1919-41Unit 3: Modern World Source EnquiryChapter 10: War and the transformation of British society c. 1903-26Chapter 11: War and the transformation of British society c. 1931-51Chapter 12: A divided union? The USA, 1945-70 Biografía del autor Ben Walsh is an experienced GCSE history teacher, a best-selling author and a celebrated expert in the use of digital technology in history teaching. Steve Waugh is an experienced author.
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