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Grammar Ans Composition Handbook (Glencoe Language Arts) de McGraw-Hill/Glencoe
Autor: McGraw-Hill/GlencoeCategoria: Libros,Juvenil,Educación y consulta
Tapa blanda: 594 páginas
Editor: McGraw-Hill Inc.,US (1 de abril de 2001)
Colección: Glencoe Language Arts
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 78251184
ISBN-13: 978-0078251184
Descripción - Comprehensive grammar and composition handbooks for every grade level! Glencoe's Grammar and Composition Handbook, Grade 11, is a hardcover, comprehensive reference resource that provides full coverage of the writing process with practice exercises for grammar, usage, and mechanics. Grade-specific activities reinforce every lesson. It is correlated to Writer's Choice and to the Glencoe Grammar and Language Workbooks. A helpful Teacher Guide gives you the support to use the Glencoe Grammar and Composition Handbook to its fullest potential..
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